Top 20 Tips to Become a Psychic Reader

Top 20 Tips to Become a Psychic Reader

Do you ever get information out of nowhere? Or when you hold certain objects, you feel a connection to them, and you know the details of the object and the person who owns them? This can mean that you have strong intuition, and some might even call it a psychic gift.

If you want to know more about your own psychic gifts, there are different ways that you can do this. Try tarot card readings, practice psychometry, or more! Here are some of the best methods to learn more about your own psychic gifts!

Types of Psychic Gifts

Here are some of the psychic gifts and tools that are used to understand the spiritual world better!

Reading Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a great tool in order to help you understand your past, present, and future and to make good life decisions. There are 78 cards in a deck, and they are divided into the Major and Minor Arcana cards. Each card has a traditional meaning, and this can help you to use your intuition to make interpretations on how the cards fit in your life. You can start by using the guidebook to help you learn the cards.

Carry the deck of cards with you and learn their meanings. The best way is to look at the images and symbols, practice asking questions, and let the cards lead you while you learn to trust your intuition even more.

Practicing Palm Reading

Palmistry, or palm reading, is another technique some people use to delve into personality traits and life paths. This exercise centers around the hands, their lines, shapes, and textures.

  • Chiromancy assesses the lines on the palms to gain insight into future life experiences or challenges.

  • Chirognomy observes the shape of the hands, skin texture, and other physical characteristics to infer personality types. You could begin with the “heart line” (said to correspond to emotions) or the “lifeline” (which is said to represent vigor and significant life events).

Exploring Numerology

Numerology is the practice of using numbers to better understand life patterns and the purpose of our existence. Many practitioners think numbers on your birth date or that you see repeatedly have symbolic meanings.

One common practice involves determining your "Life Path Number." To arrive at a single number between 1 and 9, add together the digits from your birth date. Each number is thought to hold distinct qualities and clues about your personality or life path.

Experimenting with Lithomancy

Lithomancy is divination using stones or crystals. For example, you can toss the stones and interpret how they fall to answer particular questions. For instance:

  • Give one stone a “yes” and the other a “no.” Throw them both and see which one lands closer to you.

  • Zodiac stones: symbolically associated with the astrological signs. Shake them in a bag and let one fall out and interpret what it means.

  • If you are doing rocks with the zodiac sign interpretation of the stones, you will want there to be 12 stones. You will have to identify each of the stones, and you can do so even online. Look for birthstones. Give the stones a good shake in a bag and drop them out. Others believe the stones that come out of that bag are for the person born under that sign, which matters greatly during the reading.

  • For instance, if you were born in November, it will have Topaz (the birthstone for November) in it. May, you get an emerald or something? This would be a sign that the two people are about to meet as soulmates.

  • The best lithomancy stones can be found on beaches as natural stones. This technique relies heavily on intuition and observation, making it a novel approach to discovering communications from your subconscious.

Crystal Ball

Here is how to develop your crystal ball energies:

Selecting the Appropriate Crystal Ball

The initial step is to choose a crystal ball that resonates with you. A clear or white quartz ball is thought by many to be best, as it’s said to amplify psychic energy. When you’re shopping, try different balls in your hands and see which one feels like it “belongs” to you.

Preparing Your Space

Set up a quiet, dimly lit place where you won’t be interrupted. Candlelight is also quite nice for setting a peaceful vibe. Light the source so that it casts soft light on the ball.

Gazing Into the Ball

Take a minute, hold the ball in your hands, and gaze into it. First, watch its patterns, then let your attention soften. After enough time and practice, you might see symbolic images or patterns with meaning.

  • Be sure to quietly sit with the ball before you.

  • Do not get a crystal ball from your local pawn shop or some market but rather find someone who deals with metaphysical items. You do not want a ball that will make you have bad energy.

  • Make sure the ball has good lighting so that you can see inside it. If necessary, use a dimmer.

  • When you hold the ball, hold it with both hands, rotate it about one centimeter every 10 seconds, and hold it softly.

  • While you are looking into the ball, look for some collections. Hold the ball until you have audits that the ball gives you. It could be visions from the past, present, or the future that you pick up on.

Practicing Psychometry

Psychometry is a form of unintentional mediumship in which you receive energetic impressions from an object. To start, hold something that belongs to someone else and watch what images, feelings, or ideas emerge. This may be easier for things like jewelry, keys, or personal keepsakes since they typically hold a person’s energy.

Observing Your Impressions

Hold the object, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Make a note of any sensations, colors, or symbols that come to mind. If nothing happens straight away, don’t panic; this is a skill that takes practice.

Verifying Your Perceptions

If you can, share your impressions with the object’s owner to see if they resonate. With more practice, you will find that it is easier for you to tell a true intuitive impression from a stray thought.

  • Be in a place where you feel relaxed.

  • Make sure to cleanse your energy first.

  • Ask a friend to bring in objects that are familiar to them but not to you. Another way is to tell your friend how you feel about the object, and they can tell you if you are right or wrong.

  • Divide the items into jumbled pieces and piece them together, determining what order they go in, if in chronological order.

  • Make guesses about the object, such as the gender, race, or age of the owner.

  • Note what you get in the energies and compare it with someone who knows the object.

  • If you don’t receive a message immediately, try again.

  • If you sense you receive a message, say it.

Strengthening Clairvoyance 

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” is the ability to perceive information beyond the normal senses. Be aware of where you are and notice the colors, shapes, and energies surrounding you.

Practicing Visualization

Visualize a clear, calm scene, such as a garden or beach. Try imagining it with your eyes closed. This helps you grow your inner “third eye;” you’re tuning your sensitivity to visual impressions.

Recording Your Experiences

Write down any visions or hunches in a journal. As you continue, you may start to observe commonalities or recurring themes, which can offer additional perspectives on your intuitive strengths.

  • Engage your five senses.

  • Keep your thoughts slow. Don’t overthink things.

  • Take deep breaths.

  • If you are in a noisy environment, using your gifts can be much more difficult. Look for a spot where you can focus and will not be distracted.

  • There are different types of visions. You receive messages in one way at one time and in another way at another time.

  • Be mindful of your spirit guides and don’t be afraid if they appear.

  • Write down anything that you find interesting throughout the day. Past, present, and future energies are often referred to as clairvoyant and must be interpreted.

Developing Your Intuition

Here are some ways that you can develop your intuition:

  1. Using Affirmations Saying positive affirmations can help you become more confident in your skills. Say things like, “I trust my intuition” or “I am open to guidance.” These affirmations empower you with your inner voice.

  2. Practicing Consistently Like any skill, psychic powers need to be practiced regularly. Spend a few minutes each day connecting with your intuition, applying tools, or engaging with your practice.

  3. Connecting with Nature Nature is a grounding experience to deepen your intuitive abilities. Walk in a forest, sit beside a river, or stand barefoot on grass. Note the vibration of the space, what it feels like, what sounds you hear, and what things you sense. Connecting with the natural world can help many people clear their minds and heighten their psychic awareness. Alternatively, try meditating outside to align your energy with the earth's vibrations.

  4. Crystal Balls

This is another method you should consider. A crystal ball would be the most common tool for this activity, but a bowl of water, a mirror, or even a smartphone screen will work as well. You should lower the brightness of the light and keep your sight on the surface while softening your vision. Shapes, colors, or images might appear, but they are simply symbols of your own. You will need to surrender to your intuition and let them come to you.

  1. Automatic Writing Automatic writing is a method of writing words without thought. You will need to be in a dark, noise-free place and hold a pen or sit with your computer. It is necessary to focus on your setup and say, “I am open to guidance,” before you start writing anything. The text might be meaningless at the beginning, but eventually, a message from your consciousness or spirit guides might come through.

  2. Pendulum Dousing Pendulum dousing is very easy, and you don’t need to think about the timing or messages. You can use a string or a chain tied to a small object, be it a crystal or ring. Ask only “yes” or “no” questions and pay close attention to the direction the object moves. Even the direction means “yes,” “no” can mean something else with your body. You will have to define your intention clearly, and then your intuition will guide the object. It is possible to rely on it with experience.

Important Things to Know

  • Find out what gifts you have.

  • Try all methods.

  • Visions might seem scary, but they aren’t.

  • Gifts manifest in different ways.

  • Attempt to chant every day to calm your mind and energize.

  • Don’t worry.

  • Don’t doubt yourself.

  • Think about the next moments before you.

  • Don’t do psychic stuff if you’re worried about something or if you’re overly stressed. Fix the situation first.

  • And most importantly, practice your gifts.

FAQs on Psychic Gifts

The more you practice your psychic gifts and meditate, the more you will be able to hear your inner voice. This can also help you get rid of negative thinking and keep your mind on the positive. As you begin to meditate, remember that there is no right way to do it. Listen to your gut and follow your instinct.

If you feel bad energies or know which are bad energies and which can come and go. However, if you suddenly feel inexplicable fear, this is a strong indication that something bad has occurred. Get yourself grounded and stay protected from the lower vibrations.

Final Thoughts

Knowing and understanding your psychic gifts can make your life more exciting. Whether you are learning about yourself through tarot or through meditation, each method gives you a way that you can connect with your energy and with your intuition. As you practice and you’re patient with yourself, keep an open mind, and you will see that you can understand yourself and the world even better!

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